War, peace and the truth about the residual DNA in the BioNTech ‘vaccines’

Insight into larger contexts, also known as truth, freedom and peace are interrelated. In the Gospel of John, it sounds like this: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). War and conflict arise, among other things, from the fact that someone can only take a certain perspective and cannot see and accept that of the other person. To see the truth, you have to have a broad view. If you don’t, you run the risk of slipping into the dichotomy of ‘either/or’, ‘me or you’, ‘good’ and ‘evil’. And the result is war.

We have seen a lot of this ‘culture of war’ in recent years. Currently, politically in the Ukraine crisis. I have just recently written a text about peace in times of war for the MWGFD website. In it, I take the beatification of Max Josef Metzger in the Freiburg Minster on 17 November 2024 as an opportunity to point out the danger of the current warmongering. Metzger was a pacifist and was executed by the Nazis for treason because of his pacifism. At the moment, no one is punished by death for treason in Germany. But many who do not go along with the warmongering are virtually and socially assassinated.

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Covid-19 ‘vaccinations’ are associated with higher psychiatric morbidity

A large Korean cohort study has just been published that included half of the population of Seoul. The data is based on the Korean health database [1]. The study participants, more than 2 million people in total, were randomly selected from all residents of Seoul and followed prospectively, i.e. into the future, to see if they received Covid-19 ‘vaccinations’ and, if so, which ones, and if they developed psychiatric illnesses.

308,354 of them were not ‘vaccinated’, and thus provided a good database for comparison. The study showed that depression, anxiety disorders, including stress disorders and somatoform disorders, as well as sleep disorders and sexual disorders were more common in those who had been vaccinated, while schizophrenia and bipolar disorders were more common in those who had not been vaccinated. Adverse effects were generally more common in people who had been ‘vaccinated’ with different preparations mixed together. This can be seen in the figure below, which shows the incidence rates for anxiety disorders. The green bands indicate the incidence rates for ‘unvaccinated’ people, the blue bands for ‘vaccinated’ people with mRNA ‘vaccines’; the red bands for vector DNA ‘vaccines’ (e.g. AstraZeneca). The dark blue line is that for people with different ‘vaccines’. The effects were recorded for up to three months after the ‘vaccinations’ and only if at least two ‘vaccinations’ had been administered.

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The Monkeypox Are Coming, Or Not?

Conspiracy (Theory) for Advanced Learners – Part 2

In June 2022, I discussed the monkeypox tabletop exercise from the Munich Security Conference of November 2021 in my blog “Monkeypox – Conspiracy (Theory) for Advanced Learners” and suggested a prospective test. It took a while, but it appears my considerations at the time weren’t so misguided. I had written that if the notion holds that these pandemics and their precursor games are cleverly concocted plans, we would soon witness a declaration of a global emergency (PHEIC), alarmist press releases, possibly about a genetically modified monkeypox virus.

Initially, it seemed I was mistaken, as the monkeypox alarmism quickly subsided. However, monkeypox has returned. The WHO Director-General has consulted his shamans, who have whispered to him: a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). This mechanism empowers the WHO to make recommendations to governments.

We hear: altered genes have apparently been found in the monkeypox virus, once again hinting at biological tampering.

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Comirnaty With Up to 500-Fold DNA Contamination Compared to Approval Guarantee

Comirnaty vaccine batches are contaminated with DNA at levels 300- to 500-fold higher than initially approved

Pfizer’s modified RNA injections, along with those from other manufacturers, pose several issues. A significant concern is the contamination with DNA. This deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) originates from genetically modified bacterial strains engineered to produce the target RNA of the spike protein, intended to trigger the immune response. The DNA, therefore, is a byproduct that should be thoroughly removed. Kevin McKernan identified and publicized this over a year ago. Recently, Professor König from Magdeburg has demonstrated that this issue is also present in Germany, even in standard vaccine batches provided by Pfizer [1]. Professor König is a virologist at the University of Leipzig and conducted these investigations in her private laboratory in Magdeburg. The findings (refer to the figure below corresponding to Fig. 2 from the original publication) show that the DNA content in these batches exceeds permissible levels by a factor of 300 to 500:

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The RKI Files Show: The Government Has Lied to Us

Our analysis of the infection data proves it: The RKI has lied to the population. 

We urgently need an honest and competent reappraisal

 “RKI files” is what I call the RKI documents released by Mr Schreyer and his multipolar magazine. These are mainly minutes of meetings about the events that led to the declaration of a national state of emergency with all its consequences: curfews, restaurant, theatre, sports club and other closures, popularly known as “measures”. They are available in their entirety and have already been commented on in detail by Multipolarmagazin and others (RKI Protocols 1 and RKI Protocols 2). I would like to point out a few important details and, in the second part of this article, discuss a study that I helped with a little and which is now available on the Zenodo preprint server [1]. It shows that Just 13.5% of all people who have ever tested PCR-positive for SARS-CoV-2 were actually infected or had an immune response, detectable by IgG antibodies. The RKI knew this very early on, or could have known it. So they could have stopped the testing mania and the measures very soon if they had wanted to. The whole thing runs like a train on two tracks. Both tracks are called “political will”. And the train is not travelling in the direction of “caring for citizens”. I don’t know where it’s going. But I do know that none of this had anything to do with care and diligence, but at best with political power.

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