The Modified RNA Vaccination Platform is Becoming the Norm for Vaccinations, It Seems…

and this is what needs to be avoided: the approval of Moderna’s mResvia (mRNA1345) proves it

On 15 August 2024, the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), issued a recommendation that older people aged 60 and over should receive a dose of a respiratory syncytial virus vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control, the public health authority, recently published this in its weekly report [1]. A new product appears prominently there, the modified RNA prevention, mRNA1345 from Moderna, which is sold under the trade name mResvia.

This is a new gene therapy prevention therapy, referred to as a ‘vaccine’. The corresponding approval study was published in 2023 [2]. I took a closer look at this because I was once again interested in the risk-benefit ratio.

It is important to know that respiratory syncytial viruses (RSVs) are common viruses that are found in every kindergarten, every school class, and every nursing home. Anyone who comes into contact with them and is susceptible will get a cold, cough, hoarseness, maybe even a fever: especially in older people, an infection can develop that takes a more severe course. Probably similar to a corona infection. Basically harmless. Exceptions not ruled out.

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Comirnaty With Up to 500-Fold DNA Contamination Compared to Approval Guarantee

Comirnaty vaccine batches are contaminated with DNA at levels 300- to 500-fold higher than initially approved

Pfizer’s modified RNA injections, along with those from other manufacturers, pose several issues. A significant concern is the contamination with DNA. This deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) originates from genetically modified bacterial strains engineered to produce the target RNA of the spike protein, intended to trigger the immune response. The DNA, therefore, is a byproduct that should be thoroughly removed. Kevin McKernan identified and publicized this over a year ago. Recently, Professor König from Magdeburg has demonstrated that this issue is also present in Germany, even in standard vaccine batches provided by Pfizer [1]. Professor König is a virologist at the University of Leipzig and conducted these investigations in her private laboratory in Magdeburg. The findings (refer to the figure below corresponding to Fig. 2 from the original publication) show that the DNA content in these batches exceeds permissible levels by a factor of 300 to 500:

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The Naysayers Were Right: Covid-19 “Vaccinations” Never Protected Against Transmission

They are associated with increased mortality and have many side effects – therefore they should be banned now

Some unpleasant news about the Covid-19 vaccination campaign

A few newspapers reported at the end of November (“The Berliner Zeitung“; “Die Weltwoche“) and otherwise mainly internet portals (“Die Achse des Guten“; “tkp“) about a letter signed by the head of the European Medicine Agency (EMA), Emer Cooke, in response to a question from some Members of the European Parliament (here the question from Oct. 12, 2023).

The essence of the EMA’s letter in response to the parliamentarians’ question is a surprise only to those who have not yet informed themselves well enough. Ms. Cooke says bluntly: The Covid-19 vaccines had not been tested from the outset to prevent infection transmission and did not do so. Incidentally, this was stated in the Comirnaty package insert. Even more brazen is the response from Stella Kyriakides on behalf of the Commission: The EMA had already reported this in 2020. Subtext: So why the stupid question and all the excitement?

Where did the question come from? Didn’t Ms. von der Leyen claim that we are not only protecting ourselves, but also “our loved ones”, i.e. others? Subtext: because vaccinated people don’t get sick and can’t pass on an infection. This is wrong and Ms. von der Leyen, in particular, should have known this in 2020. How did Spahn, Lauterbach, Merkel, Scholz, the whole squad of Berlin high politics and the German media world trumpet this? “Anyone who doesn’t get vaccinated is a dangerous person, antisocial, should be locked up, must be forced’’, etc. Yes, it’s easy to forget such embarrassments. But you shouldn’t. Because now, a long three years later, it’s official. Politicians knew that the “vaccines” did not protect against transmission, and claimed the opposite. In my view, that is the definition of a lie. And collectively. Also in the German media landscape. It is therefore consistent that the leading media are apparently unwilling to discuss this fact. The fact that the EKD is asleep – see my last blog – comes as no surprise to anyone. But the otherwise so alert sleuths from SZ, FAZ, BILD and co? Well, they just don’t like to admit that they’ve made mistakes, I know.

But now that another wave of infections seems to be rolling in, the talk will get louder again: Vaccination helps, vaccination is good for your health, vaccination helps others above all, if not me, then grandpa, and maybe vaccination will help the poor animals too …

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COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters Were Never Made With mRNA

The truth behind RNA-based vaccine technology (Part 1)

From time to time, I publish contributions from other scientists and authors who seem to me to be appropriate to topics that are of current concern to me and on which I myself can provide less competent information. Prof. Klaus Steger is a molecular biologist and has published a three-part article on Covid-19 vaccines and the active principles of modRNA (nucleoside-modified mRNA) in the English version of “Epoch-Times”. I find these texts very informative.

Harald Walach

The original article is available at Epoch-Times (follow this link)

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Rethink – Redirect – New Data On Vaccine Side Effects…

…show that “Covid-19 vaccines” and the technology behind them are dangerous

I’ve referred to the study by Rockenfeller and colleagues before. It is now officially published in Royal Society Open Science [1]. It produces a careful estimate of mortality trends in Germany for each age cohort, and from this can calculate what the presumed excess mortality was during the corona years. In the first corona year, 2020, the result is undermortality of about 18,500 people. That’s how many fewer died in the evil Corona year than expected, without vaccination. That’s a finding that gives the lie to all the scaremongering at this time.

Then, as we all know, the “corona vaccinations” came to the “rescue”, which were, after all, supposed to prevent so many people from dying. What happened in 2021 and 2022? In 2021, there was a slight excess mortality of just under 7,000 people, and in 2022, there was an excess mortality of about 41,000 people.

If one looks at a longer period from 2016 to 2020, then one recognizes that in the years before a clear under-mortality is to be registered, which is compensated just in the years 2021/2022. This can also be seen in the cohorts: the excess mortality in 2021/2022 is mainly due to higher mortality among the elderly and compares well with the mortality waves of earlier influenza years.

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