Publication Policy through “Retractions”

Our Experience with Two Own “Retractions” and Thoughts Thereon are Now Published

During the COVID period, I co-authored two papers with colleagues, both of which were published in succession and retracted in close sequence; known as “retractions” in scientific parlance. One was a risk-benefit analysis of the COVID-19 “vaccines,” and the other was our study on children’s masks. Both have been republished [1-4].

I have previously reported on both processes, content, and republications ( | Concurrently, we authored a detailed reflection on these events and initially sent it to a journal with a philosophical-social scientific critique focus. The article remained there for about a year. Subsequently, we received a rejection and a rather poor review (poor in terms of being carelessly done and derogatorily written). Another journal then expressed interest, invited submission, but here too it seems reviewers or editors got cold feet and did not proceed to publish the work even though the editor wrote to me saying he found it valuable and significant.

Eventually, I submitted it to the “Journal of Scientific Exploration,” the journal of the “Society of Scientific Exploration,” of which I am also a member. This society is an association of scientists interested in various fringe areas of science.

The journal is peer-reviewed and publishes various works from scientific frontier areas.

Our paper titled “Medicine, money, and media: A case study of how the Covid-19 crisis corrupts disclosure and publishing ethics” has now been published following another peer review [5]. The journal is open access, meaning that the work can be freely read and downloaded there.

Sources and literature

  1. Walach H, Klement RJ, Aukema W. Retracted: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy. Vaccines. 2021;9(7):693. doi: 10.3390/vaccines9070693. PubMed PMID: doi:10.3390/vaccines9070693.
  2. Walach H, Klement RJ, Aukema W. The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations — Should We Rethink the Policy? Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law. 2021;3:87-99.
  3. Walach H, Traindl H, Prentice J, Weikl R, Diemer A, Kappes A, et al. Carbon dioxide rises beyond acceptable safety levels in children under nose and mouth covering: Results of an experimental measurement study in healthy children. Environmental Research. 2022;212:113564. doi:
  4. Walach H, Weikl R, Prentice J, Diemer A, Traindl H, Kappes A, et al. Retracted: Experimental assessment of carbon dioxide content in inhaled air with or without face masks in healthy children: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatrics. 2021. doi:
  5. Walach H, Klement RJ. Medicine, Money, and Media: A Case Study of How the Covid-19 Crisis Corrupts Disclosure and Publishing Ethics. Journal of Scientific Exploration. 2024;38(1):122-37. doi: