The Modified RNA Vaccination Platform is Becoming the Norm for Vaccinations, It Seems…

and this is what needs to be avoided: the approval of Moderna’s mResvia (mRNA1345) proves it

On 15 August 2024, the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), issued a recommendation that older people aged 60 and over should receive a dose of a respiratory syncytial virus vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control, the public health authority, recently published this in its weekly report [1]. A new product appears prominently there, the modified RNA prevention, mRNA1345 from Moderna, which is sold under the trade name mResvia.

This is a new gene therapy prevention therapy, referred to as a ‘vaccine’. The corresponding approval study was published in 2023 [2]. I took a closer look at this because I was once again interested in the risk-benefit ratio.

It is important to know that respiratory syncytial viruses (RSVs) are common viruses that are found in every kindergarten, every school class, and every nursing home. Anyone who comes into contact with them and is susceptible will get a cold, cough, hoarseness, maybe even a fever: especially in older people, an infection can develop that takes a more severe course. Probably similar to a corona infection. Basically harmless. Exceptions not ruled out.

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Self-Amplifying RNA Shots Are Coming: The Untold Danger

The truth behind RNA-based vaccine technology (Part 3)

From time to time, I publish contributions from other scientists and authors who seem to me to be appropriate to topics that are of current concern to me and on which I myself can provide less competent information. Prof. Klaus Steger is a molecular biologist and has published a three-part article on Covid-19 vaccines and the active principles of modRNA (nucleoside-modified mRNA) in the English version of “Epoch-Times”. I find these texts very informative.

Harald Walach

The original article is available at Epoch-Times (follow this link)

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